Access to more feature with API?

I’ve been trying to use the API for various actions that can be easily done in the UI:

  • Search Test Case by Code, Title or Tag - Unavailable
  • Edit Test Run to add/remove Test Cases - Unavailable
  • Delete Test Run - Unavailable
  • List All Module/Test Cases (change page size) - limited to 50

API documentation does not provide any endpoint parameters for any of there, I was wondering if there were additional ones that were not documented?

My main Use case is to be able to create Test Run with a list of specific Tests case (about 1000 of them) but I’m limited (endpoint testRun/specific) to about 300 with the API because of URL size (using parameter caseId) Shame that it is not using POST JSON data instead. I haven’t been able to find a way around this limitation (will need to create several test runs) as test Run edit is also not available

I was using JIRA before and I could do anything the UI was doing with API because JIRA UI is calling the same API so it was easy to see real life example with browser dev tools. with QA Touch the UI is using a different list of endpoints that cannot be accessed with API token

Thank you very much for help/suggestion.



Thank you for the feedback. We have passed on this to our technical team.